Sample Questions

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Single Select (vertical): allows one answer to be chosen.

Single Select (horizontal): allows one answer to be chosen.
(Note: * indicates a required question.)

Drop Down Menu, Single Select: allows one answer to be chosen.

Multiple Select (vertical): more than one answer allowed.

Multiple Select (horizontal): more than one answer allowed.

Matrix: Single Select (vertical): one answer allowed per row.

6)This is question 1

7)This is question 2

8)This is question 3

Matrix: Single Select (horizontal): one answer allowed per row, plus N/A choice.

Answer 1Answer 2Answer 3N/A
9)Question 1
10)Question 2
11)Question 3

Matrix: Single Select with Poles (vertical): one choice, per question, allowed.

12)This is question 1

Pole 1
Pole 2
13)This is question 2

Pole 1
Pole 2
14)This is question 3

Pole 1
Pole 2

Matrix: Single Select with Poles (horizontal): one choice, per question, allowed.

15)This is question 1

Pole 1 Pole 2
16)This is question 2

Pole 1 Pole 2
17)This is question 3

Pole 1 Pole 2

Drop Down Menu, Single Select (vertical)

18)This is question 1

Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
19)This is question 2

Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
20)This is question 3

Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3

Matrix: Drop Down Menu, Single Select (horizontal)

Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3
21)Question 1
22)Question 2
23)Question 3

Matrix: Multiple Select (vertical): more than one answer allowed per row.

24)This is question 1

25)This is question 3

26)This is question 3

Matrix: Multiple Select (horizontal): more than one answer allowed per row.

Answer 1Answer 2Answer 3
27)This is question 1
28)This is question 2
29)This is question 3

Matrix: Free Response (50 character limit) (vertical)

30)This is question 1

31)This is question 2

32)This is question 3

Matrix: Free Response (50 character limit) (horizontal)

Answer 1Answer 2Answer 3
33)This is question 1
34)This is question 2
35)This is question 3
Free Response: One Line Answer (2 character limit)

Free Response: One Line Answer (10 character limit)

Free Response: One Line Answer (100 character limit)

Free Response: Multiple Line Answer (1,000 character limit)

(1000 characters remaining)
Free Response: Essay Answer (28,000 character limit, or @ 20 double-spaced pages of text)

(28000 characters remaining)
Rank Order Question: ask your participant to rank a series of items in a specific order (e.g., preference).

Constant Sum Question: ask your participant to assign a specified number of points across a series of items.
This is more powerful than a rank order question.

Total: 0 (must sum to 100)